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College Match Tool

The Detroit College Match Tool was developed by Michigan Future to help expose Detroit high school students to appropriate reach, match, and safety schools, with high graduation rates and low net-prices, based on their academic credentials.

The tool was created in response to the research demonstrating that too many low-income high school students were "undermatching": only applying to lower selectivity regional institutions when they could be applying to selective or highly selective institutions. The Detroit College Match Tool was designed to show students that they often have a lot more options than they may think and could shoot higher than other college match tools might lead them to believe.


Selecting the right colleges to apply to can be challenging and overwhelming. The Detroit College Match tool is here to help students, parents, and advisers adopt a more data-informed approach to selecting the best fit for each student. 

Developed by Michigan Future, the tool is designed to help expose Detroit high school students to appropriate reach, match, and safety schools, with high graduation rates and low net-prices, based on their academic credentials. Research indicates too many low-income high school students were "undermatching" – this tool shows students they have more options than they think and can shoot higher than other college match tools might lead them to believe.


We are grateful to the sponsors and partners who helped make this resource available for Detroit students: The Kresge Foundation, Michigan Future Schools, The United Way of Southeast Michigan, and Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan and their commitment to make post secondary education a reality for every Detroit student.

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